How do I backup my MailCOPA email program data?
See the answer to "Where is the data held, and what do all of the files do?" for the usual location of the data.
Copy the whole of the data directory to a safe location.
If you need to restore data backed up earlier, simply copy it all back to the original location.
It is very important that the MailCOPA email client is closed on all machines in your network when you do this. If MailCOPA is running, anywhere, then you will be backing up open files. These may not restore correctly should you need them.
If you are running MailCOPA in a network environment you will also need to stop the InterVations Database Server Sevice on the server machine. To do this go to the Windows Control Panel and select Administrative Tools. Select Services. Locate the InterVations Database Server and press stop. Remember to restart this after your backup has completed.
Here's a tip provided by one of our users...
Create a batch file with the following commands and then have the windows scheduler run it during the night.
taskkill /IM mailcopa.exe
net stop dbsrv
xcopy /Y c:\programdata\intervations\mailcopa\*.* c:\backups\mcdata
net start dbsrv
start "mywin" "c:\program files\mailcopa\mailcopa.exe"