I need to move the MailCOPA email program data to another machine
See the answer to "Where is the data held, and what do all of the files do?" for the usual location of the data.
All data files are set up correctly during the installation of the MailCOPA email program: any changing of the location is entirely at your own risk.
The easiest way to move this data to another machine is to install a fresh copy of the MailCOPA email program on the new machine. When it asks you your email details you can enter anything as the next step will over-write this data anyway.
Once you have installed a new copy just copy the entire contents of the data folder from the old machine to the data location on the new machine.
The new machine should then work with your existing data.
If you have a network of computers that access the data then you will need to tell them where the new machine is, unless you gave it the same name and IP address when you configured it.
The data path is set in the registry entry on each of the client machines. You can access it at the following registry location, or with the setpath.exe utility.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\InterVations\MailCOPA\Paths\Server (32 bit Windows)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\InterVations\MailCOPA\Paths\Server (64 bit Windows)
However you locate the key the value will be something like this on your networked machines...
If the IP address of your new machine is fixed, then you will get a small speed increase from the MailCOPA email program by using the IP address rather than the name. Just change this location to the new machine and restart the MailCOPA email program on the client machine. It should now connect to the new server.
Tip: For an easier way of editing the registry consider using InterVations RegCOPA Registry Editor.